Sunday, December 30, 2012

William's self portrait

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  1. I'm visiting from you mother's blog and must say what a pleasure it is to find you and your beautiful boys! I couldn't not pop in and say hello as you are somewhat of a celebrity in our home. I discovered Charlotte Mason through your mother's (dog-eared on my shelf) book. The last 2/3's of our (21) home school years have been spent under the headship of Christ and the teaching philosophy of CM. What a delight and a privilege it is to be entrusted with God's precious souls.

    Love the self-portrait. He obviously has the interest (if not yet the finesse) of his mother. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. What a pleasant surprise to actually get a real live comment. hehehe
    I am always happy to hear of families that have been blessed by my mom's writing. I am now carrying on the tradition of CM homeschooling with my own little five year old boy. I sometimes chuckle when friends assume I must know so well what I doing. I have so much to learn!
    Thank you for the encouragement of your comment. I need to be more consistent in working on my photography and posting. hehe

    Many Blessings! Sophia PS.You may know my family lived in Oregon for a few years. I loved it there!
